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back 英[bæk] 美 [bæk] n. 背,背部;背面,反面;后面,后部;(椅子等的)靠背 vt. 使后退;支持;加背书于;下赌注于 vi. 后退;倒退 adj. 后面的;背部的;以前的;拖欠


2.Get off somebody’s back不再妨碍、惹恼某人 Don't get off his back!He have been bored to death.不要去烦他了,他已经快烦死了! 3.Behind somebody’s back背着某人 Don't tal


2 . G e t o f f s o m e b o d y ’ s b a c k bu zai fang ai 、 re nao mou ren D o n ' t g e t o f f h i s b a c k ! H e h a v e b e e n b o r e d t o d e a t h . bu yao qu fan ta le , ta yi jing kuai fan si le ! 3 . B e h i n d s o m e b o d y ’ s b a c k bei zhe mou ren D o n ' t t a l . . .

I have an idea at the back of mind that I met himsomewhere. 我好像记得似乎在哪里见过他。 be one's back 依靠某人 He must be his back because he has n

英文发音:[aɪ əm bæk] 中文释义:我回来了 例句: Now that you have chased away the spirit, I am back. 现在你已经赶走的鱼精,我回来了。 back的用法: 1、back的基本意思是“(

12、Stand back to back and let's see who's taller. 13、Back from the back, stop Road and turn right. 14、How to master well the back bending in back

The euro crisis is back . 欧元危机又回来了。 God wants you to give something back . 神要你给些东西回去。 The coffee house is back . 咖啡馆时代回来了。 The russian bear is back


I've got a sore place in my back.我背上有个地方痛。 He likes sitting in the back of the class.他一直喜欢坐在教室的后排。 Some fishes have gills on the back.一些鱼

back down 1. 放弃; 让步; 打退堂鼓 He backed down after I saw his mistake. 在我拆穿他的大话后, 他让步了。 I see he has backed down from the position he took last w

1. I´ll be back presently. 我马上就回来。 2. I will be back soon. 我不久会回来. 3. I will be back within an hour. 我在一小时之内回来。 4. In his mouth were the r

版权免责声明 1、本文标题:《back造句,timer造句》